October 4, 2024

Circle K Tech Inc.

Technology and Training Solutions

2021 Reflections

2021 Senior Reflections

Brendan Shaver-

So far in my 2 years of taking Computer science in High School I have learned so much. And most of these things I have learned will help me get a job in the future. You may be asking, Well “Why would I want to hire you”. That question is what I will be writing today. There are a lot of things that may help me show you that, like, what assets I can bring, what strengths I have, and where I see myself in 5 years. These 3 things will show you why it would be worthwhile to hire me!

As I mentioned before I will tell you about the assets I can bring to a business. I am a very hard-working person who wants to be the best they can at their profession. This will mean that If you were to give me a task I will try to do at 100% effort and I will do it asap. This is an important asset I will give you as you will be able to put your trust in me to do as much as I can for a company. Another asset I will give you is my leadership. I am a natural born leader who will take as much control as I am allowed and make sure everything Is getting done in a steady rate and that no one will fall behind. This is a helpful asset to any company as I will make sure my co-workers are getting help if they need it and that they are doing as much as they can. Both of these assets have been helped to grow by my computers class as I was the leader of my senior project and I was able to get us to finish the assignment and get a great grade! Also, my hard-working attitude has grown throughout school as I try to get the best grades I can, my 90.2 GPA reflects this.

My GPA will directly lead me into my next topic of why you should hire me and that’s my strengths. The strengths I have developed through my computers class are exceptional. These strengths include my ability to learn quick, and my problem solving. My problem solving has been brought to a new level thanks to computers, it has shown me that no matter how many times I fail at getting something done it will be my #1 priority to get it done no matter the time it takes me. This is a very helpful skill because it shows my dedication to any company I will work or in the future. Next my ability to learn quickly and be able to apply what I’ve learned has shown me that I will pick up anything you need me to get done and I will learn what I need to do and then do it. This is also helpful because no matter the task you need me to do as long as I get shown how to do it once I will be able to do it as much as I can in the future.

Now where I see myself in the future is an Interesting question as I believe the sky is the limit for my potential. As after 5 years I will just be graduating college from Penn State ( I have been accepted already) I believe I will just be beginning my career and will most likely be joining a basic job in any industry. I think this could be something like a basic job as a teacher or even a starter job in computers like someone who codes and does the computer management for a company. Also after 5 years I see myself as an even stronger leader and I think that as a leader I can use this skill in any job I can get. While these 5 years pass I will be both developing new skills and strengths but also getting better at the ones I already have.

It is a good idea to read throughout this essay to see why I would be a great person to hire. I will be great because of all I have to offer and all that I can develop in the future. I will be growing and getting better so hopefully this shows why you should hire me!

James Darnley-

Over the past 4 years I have met a lot of different people and I have made a lot of decisions that have led me to the cross section I currently stand at in life. To be or not to be, is that now the question? I have used 2 of these 4 years to cultivate a strong social structure that helped be in my 3rd year to gain more knowledge in abstract and seemingly unrelated fields. This has helped me develop people skills while broadening my people skills and diversify the knowledge that I get to learn about. I have been able to understand in detail topics the average person doesn’t even care to knowledge exist. I have learned about electronics in terms of construction and coding, expanded my knowledge in math to a degree that inspired a hunger to learn more about it, driving a passion to learn more about the way our universe works and how to think about it critically. I have developed the skills to reflect on decisions long enough to come to logical conclusions, going so far as to be able to attempt to rationalize irrational things. I now have the knowledge to trouble shoot electronics beyond the standard off/on protocol and I can go through the trouble shooting process to isolate a particular issue. I count all of those things at my strengths, but I see that I still fall short in time management and procrastination. I will still strive to better myself in those areas as well as further my critical and philosophical thinking skills to improve upon myself. In five years, I wish to have finished a dual bachelor’s in mathematics and physics with a concentration on condensed matter. While going through this program I wish to be a bartender and chef to meet new people and hopefully pay for my college education to a degree. At the end of these next 5 years, I wish to be perusing my doctorate in condensed matter physics, cyber security, or quantum physics and computing. Normally these things would be considered rather tedious and expensive, so after a rather fun yet decent time working with alcohol and food, I wish to be a high school level physics teacher. Some things I plan on doing to ensure this is what happens is to manipulate my social structure to focus on physics. This would be a good way to limit partying and peer pressure while being able to maintain a focus on my studies and maintain a group of people I can receive help from. Another thing I plan on doing is to go to college for physics and tutor other students in the field. I would like to take on some study abroad opportunities as well as student teaching opportunities while in college as well, this will give me more time and experience in teaching so I will not be clueless going into the field. So, I will ask once more, to be or not to be, have I answered this question?

  Naomi Fisher-

I can be an asset to your organization because I think that I have the enough capabilities, skills and qualifications to work and I am much willing to improve the skills that I have that is in congruent with what the organization or company upholds. I possess many skills like: great listener, fast learner, patient, provides teamwork/strong groupwork, takes indicative and punctual. I believe my strengths are: communication, problem solving and passiveness and some things I would like to improve upon is probably math. I’d love to see myself in 5 years as a lead/senior Developer at a “well-respected” company such as: Amazon or Microsoft. I’m taking multiple steps to complete my goals along with receiving accomplishments along the way. Such as: graduating high school in my major and receiving my CTE credit and getting into each college of my choice and deciding which one to attend in-order to peruse my CISW degree and Photography minor. I as well will continue to practice in the meantime along with scoping out internships, shadowing positions and apprenticeships.

Evan Glaz-

You should hire me because I put effort into my work, and I focus on my objective to make sure that what needs to be done gets done with perfection. I always show up on time and am ready to work with what is given to me and will fulfil your expectations. I am a valuable asset to any organization because of what I stated above but I can be even more valuable in the Computer Engineering and Computer Science field. I have spent my life around computers, and I like to build them along with learning to code. I’d like to improve on my learning of certain programming languages as there are many of them but there is also so much to learn about them. I have been able to teach myself some C++ and JavaScript and plan to continue learning about them and expanding my knowledge. Besides that, I also have great communication skills! I am able to get along with most people and am not hard to talk to. I can talk to new people easily without hesitation if needed. I can show leadership and know when to take action in a group and tell people what needs to be done. In 5 years, I hope to be done with all classes and to have expanded my knowledge greatly in the computer science field and will be able to become an even better worker. I hope I will be able to make any company more successful or just be an important worker that can make change to the company for the better. I am always working on improving myself. In terms of my work, I spend a lot of my free time studying more computer science or challenging myself to make something with what I know. With getting hands-on, I’ve built and rebuilt my computer a couple of times to make sure that I know what I’m doing and can master it with any machine for the future. Overall, I believe I would be a great addition to any organization or company that I work for and would only bring good to it. Having me be a part of your time will ensure you have one more employee that you can expect greatness from and you will

be happy with the decision you made. Hopefully reading this will make you consider me as a candidate to work for your company.

Angelo Morrison-

Why You Should Hire Me

Finding employees for your company can be difficult, they need to meet certain requirements in order to do what you need them too. I understand this and that’s why I pride myself with my work ethic. I thrive to be the best employee I can be and I’m always looking for ways to improve and learn.

I have many strengths when it comes to work and one of those is my work ethic. I like to work hard and quick to ensure good work gets done at an efficient rate. I like to do my job correctly but fast, which leads to my next strong point, I’m a quick learner. I pick up on things fairly quickly and even after I do I’m always trying to perfect my work, so I can be an even bigger asset to the team. Another one of my strengths is that I’m a good listener and I follow instructions as they are told. Some people just don’t listen and follow instructions which leads to the job not being done correctly which is a setback for everyone. So, I pride myself in my ability to do what is expected of me with skill and accuracy. I am constantly trying to prefect my work ethic and improve on my skills.

Even with all my strengths, I still have some weaknesses that I have to work on also. I need to work at being a leader, I need to take more initiative and start to steer my teammates instead of listening and following only. I also need to work on my teamwork. I work best independently and working in a team can be difficult for me. Fortunately, with my current job I can practice working in a team and improve my cooperativeness. I need to work on caring more as well. I have a bad habit of not caring which can affect my level of work. So, I must work on caring more by getting involved more and think more about things. Everyday I’m working on improving my weak points, so I can be an ideal coworker and employee.

The hunt for employees can be a difficult and irritation task but it doesn’t have to be using the right tools. I pride myself with my able to work and adapt in any work environment with the right training and leadership. I am a good fit to be hired in your company because I am ready and willing to learn and work.

Juelz Pineiro-

To a potential employer the assets I bring to the table are few but efficient. I possess great time-efficiency, critical-thinking skills, detail-orientation skills, as well as working well in groups. I am a quick learner and more than willing to what needs to be done even it is not something others would do. I have a flexible schedule to adapt to what the job calls for.

My strengths reflect my assets however, my weaknesses are regarding communication and leadership. They are skills I am willing to work and build upon but can be incredibly difficult. Lastly, I am an extremely independent person, I would prefer to do my job/projects entirely/mostly independently.

Professionally in five years, I would like to believe I will be running my own company in either therapy or productions. They are two completely different career paths but are something of my interest, nonetheless.

To achieve what I plan for in the coming years I have a few things I know for certain I will get accomplished. I will graduate high school, get a degree in liberal arts and further upon a degree in psychology, and criminology. These are long-terms goals of course, but the steps in between are indefinite. I can only hope that these broad steps will become a reality. Not everything can be planned in definite, small, and specific detail.

Jacob Ryan-

I would be a great asset to a company because when I care about my work I get it done making sure it is as perfect as I can get it. Attendance is also very important to me I will show up every day unless I am contagiously sick, otherwise I try my best to never be late every day. I am also a fast learner so if I need to learn something on spot it won’t take long for me to do. Some strengths I have are discipline because I will always follow the rules and get the job done while at work. I have determination, so I will focus on the work while doing it and focus on other things after. Most times I am independent and get everything done on my own unless I really need help. I am very good at teamwork because I feel like I can quickly adapt to groups and when needed I will follow orders and when not, I will give ideas for what’s needed. A weakness I would like to overcome is procrastination because when I must do something that I don’t like or exactly know I will always wait last minute. Another weakness I would like to work on is communication in general I’m always trying to improve that because I was always afraid of talking because from a young age I was not fond of talking because I have a stutter but now I don’t care about it so not being nervous of it makes it happen less. In 5 years, I want to see me as a plumber or in a company I am passionate about and of course I want to make my strengths and weaknesses stronger. I would also like to be livestreaming off work, so I could improve some skills while having fun doing it. To work closer to these goals I am going to apply to a trade school so I can hopefully leave there with a job already and to work on my procrastination I will push myself to actually do new things and things I can’t stand just to get them over with. As for improving communication I will try to Improve that by making myself meet new people so I can be comfortable with talking in general and if I really have to I would go back to speech classes if necessary.

 Hassiem Spate-

So, why should you hire me, my skillset comes with an amazing amount of depth that I think can be utilized to help grow and build up this company, accountability, strong work ethic, responsibility, etc. there are tons of skills I have that will help this company not only function but grow. I feel like even if no one is looking at me or constantly reminding me to do my work, it will get done regardless I don’t need someone constantly reminding me or anything to get my work done because I know it is my responsibility as a worker for your corporation to get it done even if no one tells me to. I am a graduating student from hutch tech high school they have prepared me and the other 9 years of schooling to be a strong worker, so I know what it takes to get the job but that’s everyone’s mindset when applying for a job how do I get the job my mindset is when I get the job how do I keep it and put myself into it to help it flourish. I think that’s something that makes me different from everyone else applying for this job. Not only that but I am very intelligent as well, I have been on the Honor Roll in school since I can even remember being in school. It is something that I have strived for because I do not see myself as average, so I always try to go beyond in everything especially my work. My also have told me since I have been born to do things with the intent to be great, never give less than 100% I took that above and beyond because I always try to give at least 110% in everything I do whether it be the sport I play, basketball, or the work I do in school and out of it. You may be asking work outside of school well what do you do? I love to help people whether it be on the basketball court or in my community I’ve always been the type to look about for others more than myself because when you help someone they might see it as oh he helped me so I should do the same for another in need, I try to inspire everyone to be better than they were they day before so that is why I think I should be hired I am a great person that won’t think of himself first I will always think of the company and everyone in it and how my work will help everyone benefit.

 Mohammed Uddin-

I am a great asset to a company. Why I think you should hire me is because I am a hard worker, I am organized, and I am very passionate about what I love doing. In five years, I see myself professionally making all types of new hardware/software for people to use. I am more of a hands-on worker when it comes to doing something and I am always thinking about and looking for new things to do and learn.

I am a positive worker and like thinking logically more so than emotionally to see what the right answer to any situation is. I rarely speak with my emotions and I usually think outside the box and look at the bigger picture when solving problems. I like talking and meeting new people for the first time, while it makes me nervous at first, I tend to get along with the person after talking with them for a while.

Some of the things I would like to improve on are my time management and procrastination; two big weaknesses I need to improve on. For my time management, I always end up not having enough time to do assignments. Along with time management,  procrastination is also a big one because I tend to not do my assignments until the last day and then cram it all into one day. I always find myself having to deal with finishing work last minute, because I would always hold off on them. I’ll always tell myself, “I will do it tomorrow’ or “I am too tired to do it now” or “I don’t want to do it at all”. I keep giving myself excuses when I really shouldn’t.

The steps I intend to take are to make a schedule and try to follow it. I’m also working on trying to get my work done before deadline and one way to make it less stressful for me is by listening to music as I work. It calms me down and lets me relax as I get most of my work done. In order to reach my goal of becoming a hardware/software developer, I need to practice more coding and learning all about the workings of a computer. If I take my time and learn little by little, I’ll eventually reach where I want to be.

I may have my pros and cons, but at the end of the day, I am confident in my own abilities. In 5 years, I want to see myself working professionally to be a hardware/software developer. I am a hard worker, organized, and I’m very passionate about what I want to do moving forward. That is why I believe you should hire me to be a part of a company because I’ll make an excellent asset.

Kira Clark-

What kind of asset would I be to your team? To put it simply, I have a positive attitude, I take leadership roles, and I stand up to challenge but also ask for help when need. I try my best to keep a positive attitude even when it seems that everything is going wrong. With the past year, I faced the challenge to do school in a new environment, my home. I took the chance to find the positive in the situation; getting more sleep, being able to do more hobbies and taking more time to take care of myself. During school, I would volunteer and take on more leadership roles like some of my teachers would have me help to teach the class because I understood what was going on and could explain in easier way.  Even though I understand something, I would still ask for help whenever I need it.

What are my strengths and things I want to improve? Some of my strengths are writing, communication, and baking. Something I would like to improve in are my public speaking skills, team working skills and graphic design.

Where would I like to be professionally in 5 years? I would like to be a published Author with at least two books. I would like to be in a position where I am financially stable, not with a lot of money but with enough to take care of myself and my family if I have one. I would love that position to be in baking or graphic design because those are things I love to do.

The steps I am taking to reach my goals are taking different classes/seminars to learn and get better at writing, graphic design and baking. I am looking at jobs that will help increase my skills in these fields. I work at home by myself to also improve my skills.

Ahmir Hill-

What classifies me as worthy of being hired? To answer that question, I need to evaluate not only my skills, what experience I have and what my goals for the future are. I will start by listing some of my skills. I would say one of my biggest skills is my problem-solving skills, as I often came produce numerous solutions to different problems in a short amount of time. Another skill I have is my digital art skills. I don’t want to gas myself up and say I’m an amazing professional artist, but I do think I have good art skills. As for my weaknesses, I am hesitant to take up a leader role in certain situations where I would not feel comfortable doing so. Another weakness I have is my tendency to get easily distracted by certain things, which could lead to me making certain brash decisions. There is a lot more skills and weaknesses I would like to list, but I do feel as if these 4 are good enough to evaluate the kind of person I am.

I would say I have enough experience to classify myself as mildly experienced in certain subjects such as Computer and Electrical Engineering since I am still in training. However, with art I feel as if I am more experienced due to the long amount of time, I have spent drawing. Although, there are things I must learn to better my art and classify myself as a professional enough to be considered a true artist. I have had experience with numerous diverse types of engineering and even got a certificate in OSHA, this experience came from the Northland Training Workforce Center. I was able to go to the workforce and see many different machines and talk to many different experienced engineers, it was a fun experience, and I learned many things from it. I have also been studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at Hutchison Technical High School for the past 3 years. I have a good grasp on certain subjects, but I still feel like I will need more experience and training in the subjects.
I have a lot of different plans and ideas for what I want to do with my future. There is a lot of different things I want to do with my life. After High-School, I plan to study Art at Canisius under a scholarship. I would not mind juggling other hobbies I want to develop while in college such as learning more about music, enhancing my computer skills, developing a portfolio, and much more. Since my goal was to study art more, I feel as if going to college might be a great step in the right direction. Professionally, I would like to be a well-respected and well-rounded individual in 5 years. There is a lot I want to do, and if there is anything, I have learned from the people around me is that I need to live my best life and conquer every moment. I do not consider any time wasted. I want to be at a point where I feel like I’ve deserved a break.

Zander Kelly-Beyer 

I should be hired because I am a hard-working person who is quick to learn new things and I am always opened to learning more to expand my horizons for a job and my career in general, as well as being able to retain the knowledge I have learned and teach it to others or help them. My strong suits are quick thinking and reacting to problems that I may encounter in the job and finding ways to solve them, I am incredibly open and will tell what others should improve with ways to help themselves improve in that area and I am cool tempered and understanding to new people in that they need help or might be nervous and I try to have them relax and calm down so they can focus easier and get more down. I can improve upon finishing work a bit faster when there is a lot going on and managing my time wisely so that I can do all the work I am assigned to do in a better fashion so that I may help others with their work or study up on some of the harder parts of the job. In 5 years, I would like to be able to have a good career in cyber security and be able to have valuable experience and knowledge with it to teach others and be efficient at my job so that others can rely on me to do my part in the job. I am currently enlisted in the army and doing research on my career goals. I’m also doing programs such as the Range Force cybersecurity assignment to help give me more experience and knowledge. As well as talking with others who have done this for years to get an insider view of the job and recommendations for my studies so that I may be able to have a quicker start when I do get the career that I want. Some more achievements I have passed a cyber test for the Army, and I am eligible for any cyber job in it from me passing it, I have done coding in programs like python and have done tests to see my knowledge on different networking and protection against malware and viruses on a computer. While I do not have actual real-world experience, I have been studying and preparing for different test and problems that i may see when applying for a job and to be hired by one. In hiring me it will be in my best interest to do my best and study as much as I can with job I am given and to work well with my co-workers so that we may all do better and be able to trust one another as well as to know our strengths and weaknesses to be able to work well together. Currently I am in the CTE (Career and Technical Education) program and a soon to be Hutch Tech graduate and can promise that all my experience I will use and help teach others with if they need help in that field to the best of my abilities from it.

Michael McCain-

I deserve to be hired. Where others decide to go into game design because they want money, I want to go into game design because I have a passion for gaming and every aspect of what it takes to create a game. From story design to character design to even what specific moves each character should have, I have a deep care for each process. I would be a great asset to the company because of my creativeness and how in tuned with the community i am. I’m good with knowing the wants of our customers and how to deliver concepts that will be well received by fans. In five years from now i will be in working on creating games for other companies to get my experience and resume up. I need this so i can improve on my coding abilities and to understand what it takes to create a game. The steps I’m currently taking to meet my goal is brushing up on my art skills and setting up my college classes to aid me towards my goal of becoming a video game designer. I will be attending villa maria and majoring in game design which will put classes in front of me to guide me into knowing exactly what is necessary for me to know and what skills i need to have in order to be where I want to be. With the knowledge and skill, I’d be given on top of how well I work with others, by the time of my senior year I should be able to create my first game

Ezekiel Titchenor-

My name is Ezekiel Titchenor and I am excited to introduce myself and my skills. Growing up I always had a drive to provide people with a smile, whether that was from a joke or two or from something I made I always found enjoyment in it. When I was younger I yearned to discover the mysteries of the past by becoming an archeologist but now my new passion is to be able to create something unique to me and that other people can enjoy, and what a better way to do that than to become an animator.

Now I’m not going to hype myself up I prefer to be honest, it helps to avoid awkward situations, I am not the best when it comes to art but I’m slowly getting better but my real special skill, the thing I value most of all is my creativity. I can create such vast stories and detailed ideas very easily, in fact my issue most of the time is choosing what idea to use for a project rather than what I should do for the project in general. Another thing I am incredible at is focus, when I have a great idea, I stop at nothing until I get it to a point that satisfies me. I am hoping to create my own cartoons and video games in my future.

So, what am I doing to make this happen? Every day I practice with my art skills I am not happy with them at all, so they take top priority. When I get to a point I’m happy with I will begin practicing my programming so I can create games. I have practiced 3 different types of animation, Stop-Motion which is definitely the hardest of all but also my favorite, I have practiced 2D animation which is what most western cartoonists create their shows with and I have very vaguely done some practice with 3D animation using source film maker or more commonly known as SFM.

In five years expect to have found my art style and to have made at least 5 decent animations 3 of which will be in the different animation styles mentioned. I will hopefully be in or finished with college and will be just beginning my career as an animator. I believe I will make an exceptional worker and I am excited to begin my career giving the world joyful times with my creative fun creations.